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[00:00:00] all Welcome everybody to chat heal and chill your local spot to just chat heal and talk about all the things and just Have conversations and stuff So welcome everybody How's it going? What's the vibe? What's the buzz? I hope you're feeling okay And feeling refreshed I have so much To catch up y'all catch y'all up on like it's been such a doozy of an adventure over like the past week or so and yeah, I've gotten to see so many things gotten to see so much of the world with my beautiful partner and we're just coming back today feels like integration day.
Nice to see your face too. So I am really excited to, yeah, to just dive in, to have conversations. If it's your first time here in Chat, Heal, and Chill welcome. Basically this is an open forum to ask any sorts of questions, whatever's on your heart, mind, body, soul, whatever.[00:01:00]
All you gotta do is use that question button on the bottom of your screen. Anything goes, okay? This is, queer friendly space, sex positive friendly space, this is a spiritual, astrology, all things friendly space. It'd be really nice if you can just go ahead, use that question button, and submit whatever is on your heart, whatever's on your mind, all those fun stuff.
In the meantime I will go ahead and share with y'all the beauty that is life. Oh, thank you my love. My love just brought me some sparkly waters, cause he knows I'm a sparkly waters fanatics. Give me one second here just to type in this. Nooo,
There we go. Do. So yes we just got back from trying. We will, the attempt was to go to up North to see the Northern lights. Cause apparently the KP. index or whatever was really high. And we [00:02:00] were on our way up super, super North to try and catch the Northern lights. But of course, once we got up North, the KP index changed completely.
And we basically needed to be in Canada to see the Northern lights, which was a disappointment at first, but then we realized like. I realized too, real quick there's still so much beauty all over, so we went up to Glacier National Park, we also got to check out Bryce Canyon, we stopped at Bryce Canyon before heading to Glacier National Park and then we also got to see Yellowstone National Park, we got to go through the Grand Tetons There's so much beauty right here in the United States and so many of us are focused on leaving the states getting out of the country, but there's literally so much right here in our backyard.
And y'all don't need the fancy [00:03:00] frou stuff in order to see some beautiful stuff. If you can fill up your car with a full tank of gas, you are abundant. as fuck. It was him and I in like a civic, like a two door civic. Most of the time we slept in that car, just pushed the chairs all the way, seats all the way back and to sleep we went and we got to wake up and see some beautiful sunsets sunrises, all sorts of beautiful things.
So it really just put stuff into context for me because This is the type of life that I'm definitely inviting in. One where we can hop into a car and just go anywhere. Like, where do we want to sleep today? I'm basically inviting van life in. And, you don't need the van, though, yet. Right up from the start.
You don't need the van. You don't need the fully built out Sprinter van. It'd be nice to have it. Of course, probably a bit more comfortable. But if you have a car... There's no reason [00:04:00] why you shouldn't see this world. There is too much. There's so much world right here in our own backyard. All you gotta do is hop in the car and go out and see it.
It's been so inspiring beyond belief. And just being able to see... The mountains and the hills and the rolling the big skies wow, this world is truly something remarkable and it's something amazing to, marvel at. The opportunity we have to bear witness so much of this beauty, like a lot of these patriotic ass songs started to make sense.
And most of the time my partner and I, we were literally in the car. We barely listened to music. We didn't really listen to podcasts or anything. We just looked outside and stopped, took some photos every now and then. Stop to get some food, of course, whenever there [00:05:00] was hunger and just had amazing conversations and daydreamed of the future we're trying to invite in.
It was just so beautiful on across all boards. So if you have the opportunity to do it, if you can fill up your car with gas, trust and believe there are some beautiful national parks, like literally right in your, at your doorstep, all you gotta do is go to them and you can camp out if you don't need a fancy ass tent to camp out We literally slept in a parking lot in the National Park most of the time Technically, you're not supposed to do it, but we did it anyways because so many other people were doing it And we were good to go We packed a little cooler with peanut butter and jelly and some cold cuts and we had ice And snacks along the way as well like you can do it Two, you can do it literally right now.
Don't wait [00:06:00] to see the world. Don't wait for the perfect time or the right steps or the right thing. Just do it. If you got a few days off in a row hop in the car. You owe it to yourself. That is true freedom. Freedom is now. And being able to just like hop in the car and do all this stuff was just an amazing gift.
We got to meet a couple people along the way as well. Some beautiful souls and. Everybody was really nice. There wasn't one moment, as like a queer person or anything like that, there wasn't one moment where I felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Like, all of these national parks I felt super safe around, it was nature.
And even the places that we stopped at, I felt so comfortable. I think, So much of what we consume on the media is gonna get you convinced like shit is crazy and maybe you're gonna, I dunno, who knows what will happen, but like I [00:07:00] feel like most people are honestly nice and just wanna be nice.
Especially people in Montana. People in Wyoming were nice. Like Idaho, we went through Idaho, like places that Utah people, places that are completely written off. And that we write off because oh, what's in Idaho or like what's in Wyoming or what's in Montana? There's nothing there like we completely write off the entire middle of America All that we know of America is like the East Coast and the West Coast and that's it But there's so much more there's still so we haven't really tapped into all of it still There's still so much more to see like the Midwest is so beautiful And don't write it off just because, yeah, exactly.
People forget that Montana is even a state. There's still like the Dakotas as well. North Dakota, South Dakota, like nature is nature regardless of anything. Nature is just nature. Every time I [00:08:00] connect with nature and I get to see it, I'm just. I feel so blessed. I feel so right. It really does make so many of these problems that we create in our head makes those problems feel so small in comparison to all the beauty that's around us.
So cool. I got to see a buckhorn sheep. We, we were visited by some mountain chicken while we visited the mountain chicken. I still don't know what type of animal this is. I actually have to look it up. But we were like high up in the mountains and Glacier National Park. And there was Some form of like mountain chicken.
It looked like a chicken of some sort. But we got to see some bison like wild bison and buffalo llamas like so much and But yeah, a lot of it has been captured on film and whatnot, but they don't, it'll come out. You'll start seeing some of the content eventually. Anyways rambles, rambles [00:09:00] aplenty.
That's where I'm at. I see some questions have been submitted. Remember y'all, this is chat, heal and chill, chill however you'd like. This is a 420 friendly space as well, a plant medicine friendly space, and glass of wine or maybe a beer would not hurt. I'm I pulled over pulled off this beer From the fridge.
We have so many beers in the fridge, which we don't even touch like this whole entire trip we went away and Drank one beer. We stopped and had one beer. I felt and we didn't feel like we needed it. We were so high Off of life. Oh God. Yes, we were high off of life. We didn't need anything else, but I'm going to definitely open up this beer.
It is a purpose Pilsner. And this is a woman owned woman made woman. It's women inspired beer. We really got it because of the packaging and I like it. It's pretty good. So cheers salu all those wasn't all those wonderful things. If you are [00:10:00] here in the space, do me a favor, just go ahead and hit that question button on the bottom of your screen and double tap and like any questions that you're resonating with.
Any questions that are really calling you or vibing with, take a couple seconds, double tap and even if you don't have a question to ask so that this conversation is curated by all of us. But in the meantime, salute ching. I appreciate you. I love it.
I love it. I love it.
We love it. We love it. We love it. Oh my God, Joshie. You're so great. You got all the questions over here.
But first up, let's go ahead and start with this because this beautiful soul had to share. And I want you to know that I saw your comment that said you had something to share. But I believe it has to do with this question. I believe I met my divine masculine twin flame. Do you believe in twin flames? I believe in connection.
I believe in connection. I [00:11:00] believe in however. Connection shows up. You can call it soulmate. You can call it twin flame. You can talk call it so many things I think the idea of a twin flame is beautiful to romanticize about but ultimately It can become toxic. Twin flame energy almost gives off codependent vibes.
There's twin flames, whenever I've heard of twin flames, those relationships are chaotic. Twin flames essentially mirror Your shit in very real ways twin flame connection can be quite chaotic soulmate connections are considered to be a little different but so much of the spiritual space focuses on Romantic mates like you have soulmate connections between romantic partners or twin flame connections between romantic partners But these connections exist in a platonic way as well you know I think [00:12:00] What we see whenever we look for Soulmate or Twin Flame are people who are really looking for that connection.
And if you're really looking for it, then that's almost a recipe for disaster. Because when we're looking for connection in that way, we're looking from a place of lack, we're looking from a place of insufficiency, we're looking from a place of not enoughness, and attracts like. So you will quite naturally attract a partner who will perpetuate all of those things as well.
So tread carefully as long as you're in a state of mind where you feel like at peace and at ease then. Go for it. Twin flame. Awesome. If it feels good, go for it. If it feels right, go for it. Assigning labels or attaching those sort of things to your experience, I think can muddy the [00:13:00] vibration and it creates an expectation, which could then be completely unmet, the minute this person acts out of alignment with that twin flame energy. Then you start questioning whether or not it is a Twin Flame or whatever. I don't think label labels have helped us in the realm of love and partnership. It hasn't necessarily helped us at all. Just be mindful. If it feels good, amazing.
I fucking love it. If it feels balanced, amazing, awesome, more, please, more, please, more, please, more, please. Now if you're reliant on this connection, as in this is my other half, and without my other half, I am nothing. It's you don't need another half to be whole. To experience wholeness, you don't need another half.
When we go for romantic partnerships, when we attract those connections, it should add to our experience, and [00:14:00] we shouldn't feel ah, what's the word, it'd be nice if it didn't feel like there was something missing without that person, this, ultimately, what you want is to become your own soulmate, and it's quite possible to become your own soulmate.
And your own partner and to practice sufficiency with yourself. And that type of partnership where you attract someone who mirrors that, which is something that I'm in right now is so beautiful. Yeah, exactly. The twin flame journey is to love yourself as fiercely as you love the other. I think that's any connection, it's any connection. It's to love yourself just as fiercely. Love yourself just as much. Beautiful share. Love it. But yeah, that's how I feel about divine masculine twin flame energy, soulmate energy. It's not about finding your other half, it's about finding another whole.
Being whole within yourself and finding and matching someone who is just whole and complete within themselves as well and to get together [00:15:00] that the definition of oneness expands. And that definition of oneness still remains the same with or without that person. It just adds to the experience.
So yeah. Really great stuff. Congratulations to you. Congratulations. I hope all the loves feels right and the connections feel great and the conversations feel wonderful. So that would be my suggestion to you. Hello, Roxanne. Welcome to the space. Another question here from monochrome thoughts. Here we go.
Any books you you are reading currently? I need suggestions. I'm not really reading. Right now, I ebb and flow between reading books and not really reading. There's a version of me that goes through these phases of consuming all sorts of information, and wanting to learn all the things, and then I'm like, I need a break. I don't want to learn anything else.
I want to integrate everything that I'm learning. Currently I'm [00:16:00] not actively reading things. I always have a bedside book. In the event that I do want to read and currently it's a letters to a star seed letters to a star seed by Rebecca Campbell. So far so good, really beautiful, inspiring, cosmic universal language about connecting to our star seed self, which if y'all don't know star seed.
Like beliefs and mythology, it's basically this notion that we, the reincarnation extends beyond reincarnating on earth. It also extends to the universe and us reincarnating as different extraterrestrial beings as well. So a lot of us here in this reality have reincarnated from extraterrestrial life.
Which has been really interesting to explore. I don't know enough about starseed mythology or beliefs or anything [00:17:00] like that. I don't know enough to really practice it. There's a part of me that loves to romanticize the idea of being a starseed. Fuck yeah, it'd be so cool. And I've had some.
Dreams, some like past life regressions that definitely alludes to, me living as an extraterrestrial being, but not enough for me to like really just like hop on board with it. Part of the Starseed mythology and the Starseed language feels like everyone's super focused on getting out of here.
And I'm like so focused on being here. I love being here. We chose Earth for a reason. A lot of Starseed philosophy can definitely teeter on Get me out of here. Get me out of Earth. I don't want Earth anymore. But baby, you came here to Earth. That's one book that I'm dabbling in. Letters to a Starseed.
Another book that I am dabbling in as well.[00:18:00] And It's a reality trans surfing, which is really cool as well. It's like a book about astral projection. And this idea of extending our consciousness beyond what we know consciousness to be. So there's Reality Transurfing. Is there anything else that I'm reading?
I think that's basically it. I'm honestly listening to a lot more lectures on YouTube than I am listening to books or reading books. I'm listening to a lot of Wayne Dyer these days. I love Wayne Dyer. It's an extension of Abraham Hicks philosophy, which I really enjoy. But it balances Abraham Hicks philosophy.
Whereas Abraham Hicks philosophy borderlines hedonism? Where it's like, everything is pleasure, everything is fun, everything is pleasure, fun, pleasure, fun, pleasure, fun, feeling good. But Abraham Hicks philosophy, I think it that mentality negates.[00:19:00]
The not so good parts, the negative parts as well. So the negative is also good for us. The other side of it all is good for us. It all serves us in some way, shape or form. But so much of Abraham Hicks and law of attraction work is we just got to feel good. We got to feel good. We got to feel good all the time.
Feel good all the time. I think it, I think that's where the Dao really comes in and Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching which really talks about all parts being a part of it, like the good and the bad. It really goes into depth as far as like duality goes. So there's yeah, the Dao is great, T A O, the Dao is great.
If you haven't gotten into that and just listen to people talking about the Dao, I find that's way more helpful than just like diving into the Dao, like right off the jump and reading the verses because the verses are [00:20:00] very, they're simple, so they're open Dao.
Listen to some Wayne Dyer. Wayne Dyer is great. Alan Watts is great as well. I would love to listen to some female philosophers because I feel like so much of spiritual philosophy is dominated by men. And typically like White men which like cool gravy, whatever like I will still consume the information if I if it's useful But I'm like, where are the people of color who are also like spreading philosophy.
I mean there's Mugi M O G I, and there's also sad guru, but again, that's male, which I don't know. It'd be nice to get like some bomb ass female who is doing all this, if there are any out there. There are some out there, but they're mostly white ladies, which like, [00:21:00] all great, but like, where are the people of color?
Where are they at?
Anyways, oh, thank you for suggestions. Carolyn Elliott. Great. Screenshotting. Screenshotting.
So those are some books, some things. I hope you find that to be useful. Great. Louise Hay, but yeah, white lady. Exactly. Louise Hay is a vibe. I like Louise Hay. And even Abraham Hicks is Esther Hicks channeling the infinitesimal consciousness that is Abraham. Hicks, but Abraham, again, masculine, which is like, where is it always men?
Why? Where are the females? Where are the feminines? Where's the feminine? What's the feminine take on all this stuff? Because it's always through a masculine lens, which... Spirituality is more than that, clearly. Anyways, onto another question. If you'd like to watch this live, all you have to do is [00:22:00] subscribe.
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You also get access to a private telegram group as well. All right. A question here just came in. How do you know it's a trauma bond and not love in general and also in every sort of relationships? Trauma bond and love can still exist. It can still be a trauma bond and love. Love can also, love exists in so many different shapes and so many different forms.
I think what's more important here is what type of love do you want to explore? Trauma bonds are real. Very real. It definitely came from trauma bond [00:23:00] relationships in the past and It can teeter your growth. Only you know if it's a trauma bond. Did y'all go through trauma together and because of that y'all are sticking together?
And are perpetuating the same trauma over and over again? Yeah, it's a trauma bond. Does love exist? The relationship is between y'all two. Only you two know that. Love can still exist even though there's trauma involved. Now, does that work? Does that love work for you? That's the real question.
If it's not working for you, then great. If it's feeling like a codependent relationship, because that's what trauma bond is as well, another way to define codependency. If it's feeling codependent and needy, if I don't have this person, I'm not safe. If I don't have this person, that I'm nothing with this person.
Then, probably not the healthiest of relationships and it's probably best for you to explore, it could be best for [00:24:00] you to explore other relationships, but if that person is willing to recognize the trauma bond and the codependency, then there is hope to restore the relationship to, a healthy place.
But it requires work on both ends and awareness on both ends and the ability to have open and honest conversations on both ends. So it is possible to recover and recuperate a relationship that is living in that realm. But again. Work on both ends. We have a comment here that says, I feel like trauma bond is only supported over mutual suffering, but love is also growing and happiness thriving besides suffering.
Exactly. Exactly. One form depletes, and the other adds. The other explores. The other one grows. It's up to you. You know what the relationship is. How do you know if it's a trauma bond and not love? Only you know. Love is always present, though. [00:25:00] Even in the most traumatic situations, love is present.
It may not look like your ideal version of love, but it is present in some way, shape, or form. So that would be my answer to you. I hope that makes sense and also protect your heart. Be careful. All those beautiful things.
Another wonderful question here. How do you deal with fear of rejection when it comes to social media? Nobody really cares about you. Not in a sinister way of like people are don't really care. People aren't really caring like that, and anybody who rejects you on social media is feeling insecure within themselves, feeling unsure within their own experience, uncomfortable within their own experience it's not even about you.
It's about how uncomfortable they are with whatever the fuck they're going through. And nobody really cares about you like that. So I think [00:26:00] removing that egoic response and the egoic responsibility of People caring about what's going on in my life. Completely removes that. What is your reason for utilizing social media in the first place?
It should be fun. You should be doing it because you enjoy it. You should be doing it because you want to share something with the world. But also do it for yourself. I reframed social media many times in my use of social media. What I found to be helpful is that social media And these apps is a way of, it's my way of interacting with my best version of self.
I want to share the best version of me. I want to share the best, most honest and most vulnerable versions of me. And trust and believe if you share with that intention, you will absolutely attract other people who care and who want to see you as you are. I care about you lots of my IG friends. I know you do.
I'm [00:27:00] talking more about the critics, the people who are rejecting, the people who say nasty things. It's never really about you. And I think what we see on social media is a lot of super self involved peoples. So if you throw yourself into sharing, Because you want to share some light like for me.
I want to share the light. I want to share the good I want to share the happy. I want to share the most excited parts of me There's a lot of me that y'all don't see on social media and that's for a good reason because I don't want to you know clog social media with calls for validation or anything like that.
A lot of people are using social media to be validated, validate me. Do you like me? Do you validate me? My experience? Do you like me? Do you like me? Do you like me? Do you like me? And that's why people share. That's why a lot of people share. So if you're sharing with that intention of being validated, The likes of so many [00:28:00] will fuel you, but the dislike of one person will break you.
The criticism of one person will completely break you, but that one dislike in the vast span of so many people who have validated you shouldn't be the thing that breaks you, but for some reason it does, and it's because our approach to social media is not the most intentional. We're wanting to use social media to be validated in our experience versus just sharing for sharing's sake.
Share because you want to. Share because you like it. Share because you want to share. Don't share because you want to be liked. That's a you problem. That's a you problem. You start liking yourself, loving yourself. That's how you change that. Like you for liking you. Post stuff because it makes you feel good, not because you're chasing validation.
Every time we chase validation, we're setting ourselves up for disaster. It's a recipe for disaster, ask yourself, why do I want to [00:29:00] share, and understand on a quite practical, at a practical level, that if somebody rejects you, it's not about you. It's because you are sharing something that person is so fearful to share.
They are rejecting your bravery. They are rejecting your bravery, your ballsiness. That is what they're rejecting. They wish they can share like you, but they don't. They don't, and they never will share like you because they're so insecure in their own experience. They're jealous. In so many ways, people are jealous.
If people are sharing light and love. Somebody who is so wrapped up in their own personal dramas, their own insecurities, and fears, and doubts, and da. They'll be the first person to be like, fake, you're faking, fuck you and your happiness. They wish they had an ounce of your happiness. They wish they had just a little bit of that happiness.
That's why they're rejecting you and what you're sharing with the world. [00:30:00] So ask yourself what your intention is behind whatever it is you're sharing. Understand the rejection is not a you problem, it's a them problem. It's not your fault, and one person rejecting you in comparison to, I don't know, even 50 people who like a post?
That's one person, one person out of 50. 49 people were like, oh my god, I love it. Please share. This is so great. Needed that. So focus on the people who support you on your journey, versus on the people who reject you. Rejection is not about you. Not about you. And also understand that you're not gonna be for everyone.
You're not gonna be for everyone. People are not gonna like you. And that's okay. People are not gonna like you. People are not gonna vibe with you. And that's okay. The people who don't like you in comparison to the people who do like you, who do support you. Night and day, focus on the people who do [00:31:00] like you.
Stop trying to be liked by so many people, by everyone, because it's unrealistic. You will always be unliked by people. And that's not a you problem. That's not a you problem. That's a them problem. They don't like you because there's something about you that they probably wish they had.
So stop making it about you because it's not, it really never is about you. It's not that deep. So that's how you deal with rejection on social media.
Did you feel a little insane going through a spiritual awakening and what happened if you did? I don't know. Really good question. With this question, I'm really sitting with what is sanity? Anyways, like what is Sanity, like we're all crazy. We're all insane Did I go through phases where I felt like [00:32:00] not trusting of my spiritual awakening or not?
Trusting of my journey and whatever it was. I was going through. Yeah, absolutely There were moments and times In which I fell out of trust, fell out of faith, excuse me, beer burps I fell out of touch with reality, but I always knew that I can bring myself back into it. I always understood that there was a lesson, there was something to uncover.
And I didn't go through one spiritual awakening. There were many awakening moments in my life. And most of the awakening moments in my life were triggered by really tough things that were tough and hard to let go of. A lot of my spiritual awakening moments, it would, it came from me resisting the things that I knew I had to let go of resisting.
And because of that, [00:33:00] because I was resisting, it did drive me a little crazy. It did drive me a little insane, meaning that my mind was a little chatty, my anxiety was a little louder. But the minute I softened, and I let go, and I surrendered, and I released that expectation of outcome, everything felt clear.
Everything felt okay. A lot of times, I was the catalyst of my insanity. It was me. It was never the universe's fault. It was never any of that. It was my resistance that drove me to insanity. So yeah. And this happened multiple times. It'll probably happen again. Hopefully not as intense as those other awakening moments were.
I'd like to think that I have a bit more awareness now of things that are happening, but It does get easier the less you resist, the easier it is. Trust that [00:34:00] there is a universal plan and that there is something so big beyond the realm of your understanding that is waiting for you, that is ready for you.
And that you can achieve it. It is possible. Divine connection, spiritual awakening. It's not about your connection to God or source or seeing God or seeing Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or whatever you believe in. It's not about that. Spiritual awakening is About a deep relationship with yourself and how that deep relationship with yourself echoes in the reality that you see on a day to day basis.
That's all that spirituality is. It's about your connection to you and how connected you are to you [00:35:00] and how aware you are to you and what that relationship and how that relationship reverberates into like everything, into all experiences. It's about being open to experience, about looking at the data, looking at the information, looking at what's being told to you and how you align with that, dot, so forth so on.
So that's how I dealt with sanity and spiritual awakening. I hope that makes sense and that you vibe with that, but yeah.
Another wonderful question here. What's your best advice to breaking away from cycles and patterns that have been holding you back? Oh my god, you want to know the best advice? This advice is gonna change your life. My best advice to breaking away from cycles and patterns that have been holding you back is quite simple.
You break away from patterns and cycles that have been holding you back. You just stop, you stop those cycles, you break away from them and you [00:36:00] replace them with different cycles and different patterns that are reinforced through time and intention and awareness and effort. That's all you do. You have an awareness of the cycles and the patterns, then you are way ahead of the game than you think.
The awareness of that, the awareness of being in those cycles. Chef's kiss, you break away, you stop. You stop. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? This is going to become a sketch one day. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you really sick and tired of being sick and tired? Why don't you try...
Stop! Just stop. Just stop. This notion. This notion that you are at the beck and call of these cycles, and that these cycles are just, are controlling you. It's an illusion. You are way more powerful than all of this. [00:37:00] Nobody is holding you at gunpoint here.
Nobody, nothing is holding you at that. And going, keep going. Keep going with the cycle. You better keep going with the cycle. You better fucking Nobody is intimidating you. Nobody is beating you to submission to continue perpetuating these cycles and patterns. You're not like It's not the end of the world here.
Your will is the most powerful tool. Nobody is holding you hostage here but yourself. But how do I change it? You change it. You try something else. But here's the thing, so many of us want that part to be easy. So many of us, it's what's the secret? Okay, then what's the answer?
The answer is simple, but the work is not going to be that simple. It takes effort. It takes effort. It takes consistency. Consistent action. Consistent compassion. Consistent effort. Consistent [00:38:00] awareness. You have to want it, and you have to really want it. So many of us want it, but we just want that process to be easy.
So many of us want us to break, so many of us want to break away from the cycles and the patterns, but we just want it, want to like close our eyes, blink them, and open them, and boom. We have broken away from the cycles and the patterns. But, you gotta replace it with something else. You got to replace it with something healthier and trust and believe this replacement Whatever you replace this cycle with this pattern with it's gonna feel a little alien at first.
It's gonna feel strange It's gonna feel so weird It's not gonna feel at home and we're talking about breaking away from cycles and patterns These cycles and patterns have been read have been reinforced for decades at this point So the work the effort that it takes for us to undo It's going to take a little bit of effort, but trust and believe it's not going to take as much effort and action.
It's not [00:39:00] impossible. It is so possible. There's a comment here that says, I'm sighing a lot. I don't know why. It's because you are feeling a lot. You're sighing because you're trying to regulate your nervous system in some sort of way. You're sighing because your body is telling you, Fuck this noise.
Fuck this noise. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. No. To the point where it has to, your body is screaming at you. You're not in alignment. You're not in alignment. In some way, shape, or form, you're just not in alignment. So your body is going to tell you in some way, shape, or form. What would you be more aligned with?
What is your body telling you? What is your intuition telling you? That's why you're sighing so much. Nervous system regulation. The energy has to go somewhere. Oh, I love it that you're here too, Edwin.
You just stop. That's how you break that cycle. You are powerful. We do this exercise quite [00:40:00] often close your hand into a fist, now tell your fist to open open fist, I want you to open right now fist open, why is it not opening? Because you're more powerful, your will is more powerful, that, that energy that is keeping your fist closed, even though you're telling it to open, that energy, That is your will.
That is your divine will. You can lead yourself wherever you want to go. 5 5 5 in the house. Woo! We love that. Time for change. Change your mind. Change your reality. Change your thoughts. Change your reality. Change your patterns. Change your cycles. Change your reality. How much do you want it? How much do you want it?
A lot of us want it, but I don't know if we want it that much. A lot of us just want it to be easy.
We got this. I believe in you.
Another wonderful question here.
Wonderful question here. Talking about [00:41:00] cars and freedom, I can't use my car right now because of the payments. They're too much. How do I invite abundance back in when my quote unquote reality is that I can't afford the payments? This is such a fun, fun exploration. I think the most easiest way to invite abundance in Is to get grateful about all that you do have.
You have so much. Is to look for the abundance that is around you, right here, right now. You still have a roof above your head. You still can eat every single day. You still have people who care for you, people who love you friends, all those fun things. Abundance is here. Abundance is now.
Abundance is not this super far Reaching destination. Abundance is not some place to destinate to. Abundance is in this present moment. So how can you practice gratitude more? [00:42:00] Thinking even the trees, thinking the grass, thinking the roads, thinking the stoplights, the technology that you have in your hand, on demand A lot of things that we have access to, that we take for granted, we never had to like, lift a finger to build a road.
So many of us never had to lift a finger to build a road. Yet we're the first person to criticize it when there's a pothole. Yet we're the first person to criticize it when it's like shut down, one of the lanes are shut down. You didn't have to build it, yet it transports you from point A to point B smoothly, sometimes not so smoothly.
You don't have to think about these devices that helps you connect to literally, we have the biggest library in our hand, in our pockets. We have the access to so much information right in the palm of our hands, access to solutions, access to exploring other ways of creating abundance.
[00:43:00] So if you get real good at practicing gratitude for all that you already do have, and really looking at what's in front of you, guess what will happen eventually? You'll get that impulse. You'll get that idea to create more abundance. You'll get some impulse in the middle of the night, like Google X, Y, Z, Google underwater basket weaving, and in you Googling underwater basket weaving, it opens up this whole realm of creativity.
Maybe you take up underwater basket weaving and. open up a business and create more income and you really start loving underwater basket weaving and you would have never guessed that underwater basket weaving would have changed your entire life and now you created another stream of income which will then help you pay for that car and help you do this but that impulse will only come to you and you really appreciating all of the beautiful manifested miracles that are literally right in front of your [00:44:00] face A lot of us are looking for miracles as if it's something that comes from outside of you.
As if it's something that is only granted to the lucky ones. But you're so lucky. You are so lucky. So lucky to be born in this timeline. Could you imagine if we were born a couple centuries ago? Could you imagine if we were born maybe a thousand years ago? Life would have looked very different.
Really appreciate the fact that we're living in this reality where, honestly, we're the most comfortable as a human civilization as any other time in history. The most comfortable. The most. And so many of us are still looking for things to complain about. Complaining about this, complaining about that.
Stop complaining, start appreciating. Stop complaining, start appreciating, and trust and believe. Trust and believe. [00:45:00] Look for the miracles that are ready right here, right now. So much is actually working for you. And the next impulse will come to you. The next impulses will absolutely come to you. And it'll be less just because you don't have necessarily the car to get you to point A to point B, doesn't mean that you don't have the freedom.
You don't have the freedom. You can still walk. You can still move your feet. You can still hop on a Greyhound bus, you may not necessarily afford the gas, but you can still hop on a bus, pay a fraction of the price on gas and all sorts of things. And boom, it gets you to point A to point B because maybe hop on a train there.
There are ways to work around this so that you are also embodying that freedom while also attracting the funds to be able to pay for your car. All that fun stuff. So that's what I have for you, dear. Freedom [00:46:00] is now, abundance is now, the miracles are happening here and now. All you got to do is trust it.
All you got to do is trust it.
All righty, time for another question. Random, but would love your take on this. I'm currently in a new relationship with someone with zero red flags. Woohoo! Big change for me. Woohoo! I live, I laugh, I love. And I feel like my subconscious is making the assumption this person is boring, for lack of a better word.
How do I allow myself to accept this safe kind of love? Wow. I couldn't have asked for a better question and boy, oh boy, you got somebody who's qualified to answer this. Here's the thing. So many of us are used to chaos. Are so used to chaos. Chaotic relationships with partners, chaotic [00:47:00] families, chaotic...
Everything. So the mind is quite primed to create chaos as well and also to look for chaos because that's just what the mind knows. That's just what you think you know. And now you get this beautiful opportunity to explore a relationship with zero red flags. To explore a relationship that feels safe.
That feels secure. So quite naturally your mind is going to go that's boring. So many of us confuse boredom for peace and peace for boredom. What if you weren't bored? What if what you were actually experiencing was peace? Peace of mind, peace of body, peace of spirit, peace of emotions, all peace, across the board.
And if we're not necessarily accustomed to experiencing peace, your mind is going to want to fill in the blanks. Your [00:48:00] mind is going to want to define it in some way, shape, or form. And your mind right now is, your subconscious mind is defining it as boredom, when in fact it's just peace. This is what peace feels like.
Don't sabotage yourself, don't sabotage this relationship, like it's okay to feel safe, it's okay to feel at ease, it's okay for there not to be external stimulation, it doesn't have to be super stimulating all the time. It can just be tranquil. You can just co exist with somebody and it's just be good.
What a fucking gift. You don't have to create chaos out of it. Try your best not to. Really try your best not to. So how do you allow yourself to accept this kind of relationship, this kind of love? You just accept it. You accept it. You give yourself permission to [00:49:00] accept it. And the minute that voice comes up that tries to analyze and contextualize the relationship that you're in, the minute that voice comes up, you go, No, I'm deserving of love.
I am deserving of security. I am deserving of safety. I am deserving of this. Because you are. You are. You do not need a chaotic relationship. It doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be like that. How can I be my best self in a relationship that feels so challenging? You be your best self. You be your best self.
You can. You can absolutely be your best self. No matter what. And if the relationship is super challenging... If it feels super, super challenging, then you can really ask yourself, like, how can I grow here? How can we grow and and invite your partner in on that conversation. I'd like to grow with you.
I want to know what that looks like [00:50:00] in your point of view, in your perspective. Because I feel like we can be this, but I need your help here. We gotta do this together. You invite that person in, okay? A lot of us do all this self growth, self help stuff, and we grow, and we never invite our partner in on that conversation.
We never do. We grow into this, what we think is a new version of self, but we never include that person. We just expect that person to, shape shift around us as well, to just accept our new version of self. Or, we completely delete that person out of that growth process, and then we go, oh you're not growing, so goodbye.
And then we leave that person because we've outgrown that person dot. Invite, invite your partner in on your growth. Give them the opportunity to grow with you. Reintroduce yourself. Let them know what you're [00:51:00] wanting to embody in the relationship. Let them know what you're looking for in the relationship.
Let them know. Hello, nice to meet you. This is where I'm at right now. And this is what I'm growing into right now. And guess what? You're gonna grow into different versions of you over and over and over and over again. But it's one thing to love somebody, and it's another thing to like them. Love and like that person too. Love and like what they're growing into as well. Both things. Yeah. They're gonna continue to grow. It's never gonna stop. Love is a choice. Love is a choice. Love is choosing that person day in and day out. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Love is an investment of energy, of time, of care. It's a commitment. Love is not just poof! Oh, I don't feel it in the same way anymore. So goodbye. No. You still got to choose it. In the moments when it doesn't feel the same way anymore, you got [00:52:00] to pause and be like, OK, cool, what's changing here?
What's shifting here? What am I not seeing here? And you get to choose that love again and again and again and again and again and again. That's why that's how marriages last so long. That's how commitments last so long. It's because they choose them. They choose each other and themselves consistently.
It's going to be weird. It's going to get weird. That's fun. That's why we do this. How great to have somebody, to be in partnership with somebody, and to have that point of reference of wow, we've grown together and separately in all these ways. Do you remember who I was when I was that? Do you remember who I was when I was that version of myself?
What? And now you have somebody there who was with you, who can be like, oh my god, I remember when we were like this. How fucking cool. And now we're this. Oh, my God, it's exciting. Do you remember this one time where when it was like also not the vibe where I really love you, but it was so hard to like [00:53:00] you.
It was so hard to like you in that moment. But I still really love you and I still really choose you because I know you. I know you at a root level and a really root level and like you can still love someone and not like them necessarily you can not like what they're what they are in the moment, but that does that shouldn't shift your love for them.
That shouldn't shift your love for them it shouldn't shift your empathy for them. Sometimes people are going through rough patches so let them go through that rough patch let them show up as not their best self without you going, I only love you and I only love you as your best self. And if you're not your best self, I don't love you.
I don't love you anymore. I only love you as your best self. What the fuck? That's unrealistic.
You want somebody that's gonna love you as your best self and as your not so best self. And it's okay for them to like, not like your not best self, but they should still love you even as that. That is love. That is love. True love. [00:54:00] I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss.
So that's what I have for you. Do me a favor friends. If you haven't done so just go through the questions and double tap and like any questions that you're resonating with. I would really appreciate you. Do another wonderful question here. We live, we laugh, we love what's next in the color.
We crazy world. Oh, color. We crazy baby. Ooh, we love it. So talk about new moon energy. And what I'm inviting in. What's next in the Color We Crazy Wars? First and foremost, is gonna be I'm creating a tarot deck, right now. I'm creating my own tarot deck. I didn't really want to talk about it prematurely, but I think by me talking about it on the new moon, I will be inviting it in.
Yeah, I'm creating my own tarot deck. I'm so far, I've so far created 20 cards. Which has been fun. It's gonna be an oracle deck, but like inspired by [00:55:00] regular tarot. I've taken basically all of the regular tarot cards and reinvented them.
Basically how I interpret the regular cards, but definitely way more symbolism and fun graphics I'm really excited so excited 20 out of 78 cards right now. So got a way to go every day I'm trying to tackle like 10 of them. So I have spurts in which I get a bunch done. So there's that I'm making my own tarot deck and another thing.
I definitely to get a course going. So I get asked a lot of times, like, how do I create my content? Like your content looks so good. Like, how do you create it? How do you do the social media thing? Like I want to use social media, but I don't know how to use it.
I want to create a, conscious content creator course, which goes down through how I create contact content technically, but also [00:56:00] how to create content consciously as well. So I'm going to create a little course. That's going to break that down, which will be really fun. Just, I have the modules and everything planned out.
I literally just have to sit in front of. a camera and just record it but lately recording hasn't really been pulling me. I haven't really, I love doing the lives and every once in a while I'll create a video, but I haven't really been wanting to put a camera in front of my face right now, which is great.
It ebbs and flows and I've created. Around which like I can do that I can literally step back and be like, I don't feel like creating a video today I just want to sit on live and talk to people so there's that and last but not least last but not least I am Daydreaming. There's no plan set in stone yet.
I'm daydreaming about Color We Crazy Live, [00:57:00] where it'll, I'll have a live show definitely here in in Phoenix, Arizona. I have a live show here where it might be like a chat heal and chill, but live where we'll bring people up, put them on the hot seat, have a conversation and maybe take questions from Instagram live.
But my partner had an idea about taking this concept and going live. And touring, because there's so many people across the country, and I want to see more of this country, I want to see more of the world, so why not just as we're bopping around and seeing more parks and seeing more nature, why not stop at major cities where there's a bunch of people and do a live show?
I'll guide a meditation, I'll sing, maybe do a little sound healing, we'll have a conversation, there'll be snacks and, hors d'oeuvres choose your chill, whatever, [00:58:00] and Yeah, start going out into the world. I wanna, I feel like that's maybe why I haven't been creating videos in the way that I used to because so much of me creating videos initially was to get into the color me crazy.
So I was really in the color me crazy. But since that, and really getting to know myself through content creation, it's it's expanded to color. We crazy. It's about all of us. It's about the collective vision. It's about all of us coming together and getting together. And I feel like that's.
Probably where I haven't really been creating content in that way because it was a lot of attention on me and now I want to get the attention on all of us getting together, healing together, all the wonderful things and there, there's been iterations of that this year, we got soul school, which has been great.
So SoulSchool, we meet every week and just heal, [00:59:00] chat together. It's like group coaching every single week and we're also learning things. And that's a way of stepping into Color We Crazy, which is like the 2. 0 version. So there's been iterations of the color we. Crazy part, but I think I can go deeper.
I think I can go further. I know I can go further Which is gonna be weird It's gonna be so so so weird, but I'm definitely Inviting it in although it feels oh my god Uncomfortable the idea of it feels uncomfortable Because it feels like that in my body. I know it's what I'm supposed to be doing I know I'm going to see so much growth from it by me actually just getting away from this rectangle.
This rectangle that I'm so comfortable in front of. Confirmation cough. And start stepping out into into the world. Start meeting people and... Connecting and healing and [01:00:00] all the things. So that's the next step in the Color We Crazy words. And I'm really excited to step into it. So excited. Color We Crazy, baby!
Y'all got the exclusive, the scoopy doop. The scoopy doop, the scoopy doopy doop.
Confirmation. Yeah, indeed, Roxanne. Confirmation. Alrighty we have another question here. A life so private. I like a guy. Maybe my energy is projecting a lot towards him energetically. I don't want to chase. Also, how do I attract? I feel if I let go, they won't come back. Alright friend, here's something for you, and I appreciate you for coming to the spaces and asking all these wonderful questions, but so often these questions that I hear from you has been about other people.
How do I get other people to [01:01:00] do what I want? How do I get other people to respond the way that I want them to respond? How do I act in a way which will then manipulate a situation so that I can then get the result, and that is not how we, that is not the best way to go about any of this. What is, what about you in this situation?
And so much of this question is a lot. So much of this question, I say so much of this with love, and it's not like to go after you in any sort of way, but so much of this question is about how can I get this person to fill something that I lack? How can I get this person to fill something that is lacking inside of me?
To fill that void inside of me? That is not it. You're never gonna get that from another person. And trust and believe, even if that person were to offer it, it's never gonna be enough. [01:02:00] Only you can fill this void. Only you can fill this piece that is missing. You like another person that is wonderful, but I need them.
I need them. I need them. I need them to be like this I need them to show up like this and if they don't need they don't show up like this then I'm not lovable I'm not enough. I'm not a what am I doing wrong? You're it's not about that
Ultimately, what is necessary for you here is to get so grounded in the love of self To really feel and embody the love of self. To really show how much of a ride or die person you are for you. And then let that other person catch a glimpse of it and go, Oh my god, what, who are you? Hello! That is how you attract.
That is how you attract. It's not by you going, Oh my God if I act this way, then I will attract him. And if I attract [01:03:00] this way, then maybe I'll attract him. And if I act this way, then I'll attract him. You're never gonna get it if you do that. Never ever gonna get it. The best way to attract something is not by attracting it at all.
That's the best way to attract something, is by not exerting all this energy of I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, That's the best way to attract something. Is by not caring so much. The universe, the quantum field, the law of attraction, the creator, all of that.
She really recognizes needy. She knows when you really need something, when you're needy. When you're like, I need it. So much so that she goes, alright, too needy. You're not, I'm not going to give it to you. You're not going to attract it. If you're like, I need.
And sometimes the stuff that we need, or that we think we need, sometimes it's not, sometimes the things that we want aren't what we necessarily need. Just cuz you want it doesn't mean that you [01:04:00] need it. Just cuz you want it doesn't mean that you need it. How do you stop being so needy? Then, you stop. You stop.
Become your best friend, homie. You are so enough. You are so enough and more. You are the coolest person in the entire world. You are perfect. There's nothing else that you need that would, that could make you feel more perfect. Quite practically.
Take yourself out on dates. Take yourself out on long walks. Show yourself that it can be fun. Stop waiting for another person to show it to you. Cause that expectation of I'm not going to enjoy myself. I'm not going to have a good time until I find the right one. Until I find the right one until I find the one I'm not going to really love until I find that you stop waiting for another person to experience love.
It's not up to them. It's up to you. [01:05:00] It's up to you.
Nobody else is going to show you love, but you, and if they happen to show you love, it's an added bonus. It's bonus love. It's bonus points. It's Oh my God, how fucking great. But your wellbeing, your inner state of wellbeing is not reliant on another person showing you attention, showing you love, showing you this, showing you that.
It's reliant on how much attention you focus on you. Stop waiting for that person to pay attention to you. That's where you're not attracting him. It's because you're focusing all your energy on when will they notice me? When will they see me? When will they know I'm enough? When will they, that's all about them.
It's all about them. It's all about them. What about you? Do you know you're enough? Do you know that you're enough? Do you know that you're enough? Because I don't think you necessarily do. Then how do I know if I'm enough? How do I show myself I am enough? By giving yourself enough. Giving yourself enough.
[01:06:00] You, so many people offer fucking full on five course meals to people. To other people, just like here's everything here's the, I'm gonna do the splits the twirls, the everything, here's everything that I'm gonna do for you. And when it comes to yourself you feed yourself scraps. You feed yourself ramen, you feed yourself barely anything, but here's everything that I did for you you got everybody else sitting all pretty with their filet mignon, cooked perfectly to temperature, and this and that, but you're like eating the crumbs, stop feeding yourself crumbs, stop feeding yourself crumbs, you don't deserve the crumbs, you make your plate just as pretty as you would for another person, you set yourself up just as well as you would set somebody else up for success.
The same thing that you would do for your best friend, you do it for you. But so many of us are doing, going about it backwards. We do so much for other people because we expect it in return. We're waiting for it to be in return. [01:07:00] We're waiting for it to be reciprocated. And if you're going about it in that way, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment after disappointment, because guess what?
Other people are not reliable. They're just not. You cannot hold others to that expectation. They're just not
time and time again. They've shown you that they cannot and that's okay. It doesn't make them a bad person. It doesn't mean that they still don't show up consistently. People show up consistently still, but sometimes that consistently, that consistency teeters and that's okay. They have their own life, their own shit, their own things that they're going through.
It's okay if a person cannot show up consistently in that way for you in that one moment,
but release that expectation. Release all this doing doing for other people and expecting it to be reciprocated in return. If somebody reciprocates it in return, how fucking great. That's cool. That's awesome. That's great. That respect, that [01:08:00] reciprocation is wonderful. But a lot of that reciprocation, a lot of that reciprocation comes from that one moment when you finally stop treating yourself like a doormat.
That's when the reciprocation comes. When you start showing yourself your value and your worth, that reciprocation comes in a fucking heartbeat. But it will only turn up, it will only show up when you start valuing yourself. When you start reverberating that energy out into the universe and the universe goes, Oh, this person values himself, this person respects himself.
So let me give them more value. Let me give them more respect. Let me give them more reciprocation. Let me give them more consistently. Let me give them all the best people who will show up and reciprocate and all the things because that is what you're vibrating at. But if you're vibrating with scraps, if you're vibrating with insecurity and neediness and all of that.
Then you're going to attract people who cannot, who don't give you enough. [01:09:00] So you got to really pause and ask yourself, when is it gonna be enough? When is enough? And let me tell you right here, right now, in this moment, there is enough. You have enough. You have enough and so much more right here, right now.
Stop focusing on the lack of love, the lack of attention, the lack of validation, the lack of this, the this, the lack of it all. Stop focusing on the lack of it all and focus on the abundance of it all. There is so much working for you. So much.
Better start getting grateful. Better start getting grateful. And I say it so lovingly as well. Just really get grateful. The universe is giving you what you vibrate at. She doesn't give you what you want. She gives you your vibration. The universe gives you your frequency. And until you start practicing [01:10:00] another frequency, another vibration, then you're going to be getting the same.
The same story. The same cycle. The same narrative. Over and over and over and over again. And only you can change that story. Nobody else is going to change it for you. Nobody else is going to change it for you. Trust and believe.
Alrighty, that's what I have for you. Pretty nice.
Alright, we have time for one more question. One more question. But I think instead of asking a question, we should really answering a question, we should talk about this new moon. So we have a new moon today happening in Cancer. I saw a few questions about new moon energy and what are you attracting for new moon?
What are you inviting in for new moon? I think it's important to understand that with new moon energy, it's a really good opportunity to talk about what you're inviting in and with it being in cancer. And Cancer being the [01:11:00] sign of emotions, of divine feminine energy, the mother, the nurturer. This new moon in Cancer is really about what you're inviting in emotionally.
And I think if you really use this time, this new moon energy, to really invite self nurture. Self pleasure, self reliance, self resilience, self add self to all of these words. If you really use it to invite that self sufficiency, it will like, mwah, chef's kiss, will send you off. This new moon is about how we self soothe, and releasing self soothing patterns that go against us.
That don't really help us releasing those self soothing patterns and inviting self soothing patterns that feel more compassionate, [01:12:00] more nurturing, more loving, more inviting, more just warm. So really use this time to think of how you self soothe and how you can shift how you self soothe in a way that feels like you have the mom you wish you always had.
A lot of us we place blame on In this realm, in this department on our caregivers, but our caregivers are just one part of the conversation as far as parenting goes just because they're done parenting us because we've flocked, fled the nest and we're no longer at home doesn't mean that parenting book has closed.
And you don't need children to bear children in order to, explore parenting. Parenting continues. You still have a voice and the authority inside of you to mother, to father, [01:13:00] to care give yourself. Stop waiting for a hero to come in to save you. Mama's not gonna save you. Papa's not gonna save you.
Granny's not gonna save you. None of that is gonna save you. Only you can save you. Only you can guide you. Only you can take yourself there. So use this time to really explore that. Explore that self parenting voice. What does it sound like? What does it look like? How can you shift it to a voice that sounds more compassionate?
Become your best friend. Become your best mom, your best dad, your best everything. If you were to have your dream caregiver, what would they look like? What would they feel like? What, how would they talk? How would they talk to you? And start talking to yourself in that way. That's what this new Moon and Cancer is all about.
Aw, thank you, Joshy, for your kind comment. I love that you exist and are speaking to the people your presence is so needed in this world. Gracias. Thank you I love getting [01:14:00] I love that I get to show up. I love that I get to show up I love that I get to be here with y'all and I appreciate you trust and believe that Extending that handout to you is the biggest the best gift you can give yourself if you really finesse that relationship with self In a way that feels so soothing and so self-sufficient, all these external forms that we desire will just naturally fall into its place.
You will attract the partner, you will attract the community, you will attract all the beautiful things, but it really begins. It really begins with you extending that handout to yourself. It's the best gift. The best gift you can give to yourself. You are worth it indeed, Joshie. You are worth it.
Why not? Why not?
Happy birthday, friend. Also, happy birthday. We have a [01:15:00] birthday in the house. Happy birthday. Lots of love to you. Let's take this time, this moment, to say goodbye to each other and wish each other well. I saw a comment here about, where's the other Abraham Hicks videos? I'm not an Abraham Hicks clown. Every once in a while I feel like turning it on and doing an Abraham Hicks video.
But the inspiration flows whenever it flows. And yeah. I'm much more than just Abraham Hicks. I'm way more multidimensional. They come through, they happen, and be on the lookout. When it happens. And when it doesn't. There's a lot of good that I share in the world that aren't just Abraham Hicks videos.
That's where those are at. I love you. Happy birthday. All the wonderful things and say goodbye to each other. Wish each other well and see you soon.
Nice to see your face too. So I am really excited to, yeah, to just dive in, to have conversations. If it's your first time here in Chat, Heal, and Chill welcome. Basically this is an open forum to ask any sorts of questions, whatever's on your heart, mind, body, soul, whatever.[00:01:00]
All you gotta do is use that question button on the bottom of your screen. Anything goes, okay? This is, queer friendly space, sex positive friendly space, this is a spiritual, astrology, all things friendly space. It'd be really nice if you can just go ahead, use that question button, and submit whatever is on your heart, whatever's on your mind, all those fun stuff.
In the meantime I will go ahead and share with y'all the beauty that is life. Oh, thank you my love. My love just brought me some sparkly waters, cause he knows I'm a sparkly waters fanatics. Give me one second here just to type in this. Nooo,
There we go. Do. So yes we just got back from trying. We will, the attempt was to go to up North to see the Northern lights. Cause apparently the KP. index or whatever was really high. And we [00:02:00] were on our way up super, super North to try and catch the Northern lights. But of course, once we got up North, the KP index changed completely.
And we basically needed to be in Canada to see the Northern lights, which was a disappointment at first, but then we realized like. I realized too, real quick there's still so much beauty all over, so we went up to Glacier National Park, we also got to check out Bryce Canyon, we stopped at Bryce Canyon before heading to Glacier National Park and then we also got to see Yellowstone National Park, we got to go through the Grand Tetons There's so much beauty right here in the United States and so many of us are focused on leaving the states getting out of the country, but there's literally so much right here in our backyard.
And y'all don't need the fancy [00:03:00] frou stuff in order to see some beautiful stuff. If you can fill up your car with a full tank of gas, you are abundant. as fuck. It was him and I in like a civic, like a two door civic. Most of the time we slept in that car, just pushed the chairs all the way, seats all the way back and to sleep we went and we got to wake up and see some beautiful sunsets sunrises, all sorts of beautiful things.
So it really just put stuff into context for me because This is the type of life that I'm definitely inviting in. One where we can hop into a car and just go anywhere. Like, where do we want to sleep today? I'm basically inviting van life in. And, you don't need the van, though, yet. Right up from the start.
You don't need the van. You don't need the fully built out Sprinter van. It'd be nice to have it. Of course, probably a bit more comfortable. But if you have a car... There's no reason [00:04:00] why you shouldn't see this world. There is too much. There's so much world right here in our own backyard. All you gotta do is hop in the car and go out and see it.
It's been so inspiring beyond belief. And just being able to see... The mountains and the hills and the rolling the big skies wow, this world is truly something remarkable and it's something amazing to, marvel at. The opportunity we have to bear witness so much of this beauty, like a lot of these patriotic ass songs started to make sense.
And most of the time my partner and I, we were literally in the car. We barely listened to music. We didn't really listen to podcasts or anything. We just looked outside and stopped, took some photos every now and then. Stop to get some food, of course, whenever there [00:05:00] was hunger and just had amazing conversations and daydreamed of the future we're trying to invite in.
It was just so beautiful on across all boards. So if you have the opportunity to do it, if you can fill up your car with gas, trust and believe there are some beautiful national parks, like literally right in your, at your doorstep, all you gotta do is go to them and you can camp out if you don't need a fancy ass tent to camp out We literally slept in a parking lot in the National Park most of the time Technically, you're not supposed to do it, but we did it anyways because so many other people were doing it And we were good to go We packed a little cooler with peanut butter and jelly and some cold cuts and we had ice And snacks along the way as well like you can do it Two, you can do it literally right now.
Don't wait [00:06:00] to see the world. Don't wait for the perfect time or the right steps or the right thing. Just do it. If you got a few days off in a row hop in the car. You owe it to yourself. That is true freedom. Freedom is now. And being able to just like hop in the car and do all this stuff was just an amazing gift.
We got to meet a couple people along the way as well. Some beautiful souls and. Everybody was really nice. There wasn't one moment, as like a queer person or anything like that, there wasn't one moment where I felt uncomfortable or unsafe. Like, all of these national parks I felt super safe around, it was nature.
And even the places that we stopped at, I felt so comfortable. I think, So much of what we consume on the media is gonna get you convinced like shit is crazy and maybe you're gonna, I dunno, who knows what will happen, but like I [00:07:00] feel like most people are honestly nice and just wanna be nice.
Especially people in Montana. People in Wyoming were nice. Like Idaho, we went through Idaho, like places that Utah people, places that are completely written off. And that we write off because oh, what's in Idaho or like what's in Wyoming or what's in Montana? There's nothing there like we completely write off the entire middle of America All that we know of America is like the East Coast and the West Coast and that's it But there's so much more there's still so we haven't really tapped into all of it still There's still so much more to see like the Midwest is so beautiful And don't write it off just because, yeah, exactly.
People forget that Montana is even a state. There's still like the Dakotas as well. North Dakota, South Dakota, like nature is nature regardless of anything. Nature is just nature. Every time I [00:08:00] connect with nature and I get to see it, I'm just. I feel so blessed. I feel so right. It really does make so many of these problems that we create in our head makes those problems feel so small in comparison to all the beauty that's around us.
So cool. I got to see a buckhorn sheep. We, we were visited by some mountain chicken while we visited the mountain chicken. I still don't know what type of animal this is. I actually have to look it up. But we were like high up in the mountains and Glacier National Park. And there was Some form of like mountain chicken.
It looked like a chicken of some sort. But we got to see some bison like wild bison and buffalo llamas like so much and But yeah, a lot of it has been captured on film and whatnot, but they don't, it'll come out. You'll start seeing some of the content eventually. Anyways rambles, rambles [00:09:00] aplenty.
That's where I'm at. I see some questions have been submitted. Remember y'all, this is chat, heal and chill, chill however you'd like. This is a 420 friendly space as well, a plant medicine friendly space, and glass of wine or maybe a beer would not hurt. I'm I pulled over pulled off this beer From the fridge.
We have so many beers in the fridge, which we don't even touch like this whole entire trip we went away and Drank one beer. We stopped and had one beer. I felt and we didn't feel like we needed it. We were so high Off of life. Oh God. Yes, we were high off of life. We didn't need anything else, but I'm going to definitely open up this beer.
It is a purpose Pilsner. And this is a woman owned woman made woman. It's women inspired beer. We really got it because of the packaging and I like it. It's pretty good. So cheers salu all those wasn't all those wonderful things. If you are [00:10:00] here in the space, do me a favor, just go ahead and hit that question button on the bottom of your screen and double tap and like any questions that you're resonating with.
Any questions that are really calling you or vibing with, take a couple seconds, double tap and even if you don't have a question to ask so that this conversation is curated by all of us. But in the meantime, salute ching. I appreciate you. I love it.
I love it. I love it.
We love it. We love it. We love it. Oh my God, Joshie. You're so great. You got all the questions over here.
But first up, let's go ahead and start with this because this beautiful soul had to share. And I want you to know that I saw your comment that said you had something to share. But I believe it has to do with this question. I believe I met my divine masculine twin flame. Do you believe in twin flames? I believe in connection.
I believe in connection. I [00:11:00] believe in however. Connection shows up. You can call it soulmate. You can call it twin flame. You can talk call it so many things I think the idea of a twin flame is beautiful to romanticize about but ultimately It can become toxic. Twin flame energy almost gives off codependent vibes.
There's twin flames, whenever I've heard of twin flames, those relationships are chaotic. Twin flames essentially mirror Your shit in very real ways twin flame connection can be quite chaotic soulmate connections are considered to be a little different but so much of the spiritual space focuses on Romantic mates like you have soulmate connections between romantic partners or twin flame connections between romantic partners But these connections exist in a platonic way as well you know I think [00:12:00] What we see whenever we look for Soulmate or Twin Flame are people who are really looking for that connection.
And if you're really looking for it, then that's almost a recipe for disaster. Because when we're looking for connection in that way, we're looking from a place of lack, we're looking from a place of insufficiency, we're looking from a place of not enoughness, and attracts like. So you will quite naturally attract a partner who will perpetuate all of those things as well.
So tread carefully as long as you're in a state of mind where you feel like at peace and at ease then. Go for it. Twin flame. Awesome. If it feels good, go for it. If it feels right, go for it. Assigning labels or attaching those sort of things to your experience, I think can muddy the [00:13:00] vibration and it creates an expectation, which could then be completely unmet, the minute this person acts out of alignment with that twin flame energy. Then you start questioning whether or not it is a Twin Flame or whatever. I don't think label labels have helped us in the realm of love and partnership. It hasn't necessarily helped us at all. Just be mindful. If it feels good, amazing.
I fucking love it. If it feels balanced, amazing, awesome, more, please, more, please, more, please, more, please. Now if you're reliant on this connection, as in this is my other half, and without my other half, I am nothing. It's you don't need another half to be whole. To experience wholeness, you don't need another half.
When we go for romantic partnerships, when we attract those connections, it should add to our experience, and [00:14:00] we shouldn't feel ah, what's the word, it'd be nice if it didn't feel like there was something missing without that person, this, ultimately, what you want is to become your own soulmate, and it's quite possible to become your own soulmate.
And your own partner and to practice sufficiency with yourself. And that type of partnership where you attract someone who mirrors that, which is something that I'm in right now is so beautiful. Yeah, exactly. The twin flame journey is to love yourself as fiercely as you love the other. I think that's any connection, it's any connection. It's to love yourself just as fiercely. Love yourself just as much. Beautiful share. Love it. But yeah, that's how I feel about divine masculine twin flame energy, soulmate energy. It's not about finding your other half, it's about finding another whole.
Being whole within yourself and finding and matching someone who is just whole and complete within themselves as well and to get together [00:15:00] that the definition of oneness expands. And that definition of oneness still remains the same with or without that person. It just adds to the experience.
So yeah. Really great stuff. Congratulations to you. Congratulations. I hope all the loves feels right and the connections feel great and the conversations feel wonderful. So that would be my suggestion to you. Hello, Roxanne. Welcome to the space. Another question here from monochrome thoughts. Here we go.
Any books you you are reading currently? I need suggestions. I'm not really reading. Right now, I ebb and flow between reading books and not really reading. There's a version of me that goes through these phases of consuming all sorts of information, and wanting to learn all the things, and then I'm like, I need a break. I don't want to learn anything else.
I want to integrate everything that I'm learning. Currently I'm [00:16:00] not actively reading things. I always have a bedside book. In the event that I do want to read and currently it's a letters to a star seed letters to a star seed by Rebecca Campbell. So far so good, really beautiful, inspiring, cosmic universal language about connecting to our star seed self, which if y'all don't know star seed.
Like beliefs and mythology, it's basically this notion that we, the reincarnation extends beyond reincarnating on earth. It also extends to the universe and us reincarnating as different extraterrestrial beings as well. So a lot of us here in this reality have reincarnated from extraterrestrial life.
Which has been really interesting to explore. I don't know enough about starseed mythology or beliefs or anything [00:17:00] like that. I don't know enough to really practice it. There's a part of me that loves to romanticize the idea of being a starseed. Fuck yeah, it'd be so cool. And I've had some.
Dreams, some like past life regressions that definitely alludes to, me living as an extraterrestrial being, but not enough for me to like really just like hop on board with it. Part of the Starseed mythology and the Starseed language feels like everyone's super focused on getting out of here.
And I'm like so focused on being here. I love being here. We chose Earth for a reason. A lot of Starseed philosophy can definitely teeter on Get me out of here. Get me out of Earth. I don't want Earth anymore. But baby, you came here to Earth. That's one book that I'm dabbling in. Letters to a Starseed.
Another book that I am dabbling in as well.[00:18:00] And It's a reality trans surfing, which is really cool as well. It's like a book about astral projection. And this idea of extending our consciousness beyond what we know consciousness to be. So there's Reality Transurfing. Is there anything else that I'm reading?
I think that's basically it. I'm honestly listening to a lot more lectures on YouTube than I am listening to books or reading books. I'm listening to a lot of Wayne Dyer these days. I love Wayne Dyer. It's an extension of Abraham Hicks philosophy, which I really enjoy. But it balances Abraham Hicks philosophy.
Whereas Abraham Hicks philosophy borderlines hedonism? Where it's like, everything is pleasure, everything is fun, everything is pleasure, fun, pleasure, fun, pleasure, fun, feeling good. But Abraham Hicks philosophy, I think it that mentality negates.[00:19:00]
The not so good parts, the negative parts as well. So the negative is also good for us. The other side of it all is good for us. It all serves us in some way, shape or form. But so much of Abraham Hicks and law of attraction work is we just got to feel good. We got to feel good. We got to feel good all the time.
Feel good all the time. I think it, I think that's where the Dao really comes in and Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching which really talks about all parts being a part of it, like the good and the bad. It really goes into depth as far as like duality goes. So there's yeah, the Dao is great, T A O, the Dao is great.
If you haven't gotten into that and just listen to people talking about the Dao, I find that's way more helpful than just like diving into the Dao, like right off the jump and reading the verses because the verses are [00:20:00] very, they're simple, so they're open Dao.
Listen to some Wayne Dyer. Wayne Dyer is great. Alan Watts is great as well. I would love to listen to some female philosophers because I feel like so much of spiritual philosophy is dominated by men. And typically like White men which like cool gravy, whatever like I will still consume the information if I if it's useful But I'm like, where are the people of color who are also like spreading philosophy.
I mean there's Mugi M O G I, and there's also sad guru, but again, that's male, which I don't know. It'd be nice to get like some bomb ass female who is doing all this, if there are any out there. There are some out there, but they're mostly white ladies, which like, [00:21:00] all great, but like, where are the people of color?
Where are they at?
Anyways, oh, thank you for suggestions. Carolyn Elliott. Great. Screenshotting. Screenshotting.
So those are some books, some things. I hope you find that to be useful. Great. Louise Hay, but yeah, white lady. Exactly. Louise Hay is a vibe. I like Louise Hay. And even Abraham Hicks is Esther Hicks channeling the infinitesimal consciousness that is Abraham. Hicks, but Abraham, again, masculine, which is like, where is it always men?
Why? Where are the females? Where are the feminines? Where's the feminine? What's the feminine take on all this stuff? Because it's always through a masculine lens, which... Spirituality is more than that, clearly. Anyways, onto another question. If you'd like to watch this live, all you have to do is [00:22:00] subscribe.
Go to my profile on Instagram and tap on the little crown where all of my feed information's at. It costs 4. 99 a month and you get the replay of all of these. Like the video replay on Instagram. Costs you less than a Starbucks coffee. Check it out. If you'd like 4. 99 a month, please subscribe. So great.
You also get access to a private telegram group as well. All right. A question here just came in. How do you know it's a trauma bond and not love in general and also in every sort of relationships? Trauma bond and love can still exist. It can still be a trauma bond and love. Love can also, love exists in so many different shapes and so many different forms.
I think what's more important here is what type of love do you want to explore? Trauma bonds are real. Very real. It definitely came from trauma bond [00:23:00] relationships in the past and It can teeter your growth. Only you know if it's a trauma bond. Did y'all go through trauma together and because of that y'all are sticking together?
And are perpetuating the same trauma over and over again? Yeah, it's a trauma bond. Does love exist? The relationship is between y'all two. Only you two know that. Love can still exist even though there's trauma involved. Now, does that work? Does that love work for you? That's the real question.
If it's not working for you, then great. If it's feeling like a codependent relationship, because that's what trauma bond is as well, another way to define codependency. If it's feeling codependent and needy, if I don't have this person, I'm not safe. If I don't have this person, that I'm nothing with this person.
Then, probably not the healthiest of relationships and it's probably best for you to explore, it could be best for [00:24:00] you to explore other relationships, but if that person is willing to recognize the trauma bond and the codependency, then there is hope to restore the relationship to, a healthy place.
But it requires work on both ends and awareness on both ends and the ability to have open and honest conversations on both ends. So it is possible to recover and recuperate a relationship that is living in that realm. But again. Work on both ends. We have a comment here that says, I feel like trauma bond is only supported over mutual suffering, but love is also growing and happiness thriving besides suffering.
Exactly. Exactly. One form depletes, and the other adds. The other explores. The other one grows. It's up to you. You know what the relationship is. How do you know if it's a trauma bond and not love? Only you know. Love is always present, though. [00:25:00] Even in the most traumatic situations, love is present.
It may not look like your ideal version of love, but it is present in some way, shape, or form. So that would be my answer to you. I hope that makes sense and also protect your heart. Be careful. All those beautiful things.
Another wonderful question here. How do you deal with fear of rejection when it comes to social media? Nobody really cares about you. Not in a sinister way of like people are don't really care. People aren't really caring like that, and anybody who rejects you on social media is feeling insecure within themselves, feeling unsure within their own experience, uncomfortable within their own experience it's not even about you.
It's about how uncomfortable they are with whatever the fuck they're going through. And nobody really cares about you like that. So I think [00:26:00] removing that egoic response and the egoic responsibility of People caring about what's going on in my life. Completely removes that. What is your reason for utilizing social media in the first place?
It should be fun. You should be doing it because you enjoy it. You should be doing it because you want to share something with the world. But also do it for yourself. I reframed social media many times in my use of social media. What I found to be helpful is that social media And these apps is a way of, it's my way of interacting with my best version of self.
I want to share the best version of me. I want to share the best, most honest and most vulnerable versions of me. And trust and believe if you share with that intention, you will absolutely attract other people who care and who want to see you as you are. I care about you lots of my IG friends. I know you do.
I'm [00:27:00] talking more about the critics, the people who are rejecting, the people who say nasty things. It's never really about you. And I think what we see on social media is a lot of super self involved peoples. So if you throw yourself into sharing, Because you want to share some light like for me.
I want to share the light. I want to share the good I want to share the happy. I want to share the most excited parts of me There's a lot of me that y'all don't see on social media and that's for a good reason because I don't want to you know clog social media with calls for validation or anything like that.
A lot of people are using social media to be validated, validate me. Do you like me? Do you validate me? My experience? Do you like me? Do you like me? Do you like me? Do you like me? And that's why people share. That's why a lot of people share. So if you're sharing with that intention of being validated, The likes of so many [00:28:00] will fuel you, but the dislike of one person will break you.
The criticism of one person will completely break you, but that one dislike in the vast span of so many people who have validated you shouldn't be the thing that breaks you, but for some reason it does, and it's because our approach to social media is not the most intentional. We're wanting to use social media to be validated in our experience versus just sharing for sharing's sake.
Share because you want to. Share because you like it. Share because you want to share. Don't share because you want to be liked. That's a you problem. That's a you problem. You start liking yourself, loving yourself. That's how you change that. Like you for liking you. Post stuff because it makes you feel good, not because you're chasing validation.
Every time we chase validation, we're setting ourselves up for disaster. It's a recipe for disaster, ask yourself, why do I want to [00:29:00] share, and understand on a quite practical, at a practical level, that if somebody rejects you, it's not about you. It's because you are sharing something that person is so fearful to share.
They are rejecting your bravery. They are rejecting your bravery, your ballsiness. That is what they're rejecting. They wish they can share like you, but they don't. They don't, and they never will share like you because they're so insecure in their own experience. They're jealous. In so many ways, people are jealous.
If people are sharing light and love. Somebody who is so wrapped up in their own personal dramas, their own insecurities, and fears, and doubts, and da. They'll be the first person to be like, fake, you're faking, fuck you and your happiness. They wish they had an ounce of your happiness. They wish they had just a little bit of that happiness.
That's why they're rejecting you and what you're sharing with the world. [00:30:00] So ask yourself what your intention is behind whatever it is you're sharing. Understand the rejection is not a you problem, it's a them problem. It's not your fault, and one person rejecting you in comparison to, I don't know, even 50 people who like a post?
That's one person, one person out of 50. 49 people were like, oh my god, I love it. Please share. This is so great. Needed that. So focus on the people who support you on your journey, versus on the people who reject you. Rejection is not about you. Not about you. And also understand that you're not gonna be for everyone.
You're not gonna be for everyone. People are not gonna like you. And that's okay. People are not gonna like you. People are not gonna vibe with you. And that's okay. The people who don't like you in comparison to the people who do like you, who do support you. Night and day, focus on the people who do [00:31:00] like you.
Stop trying to be liked by so many people, by everyone, because it's unrealistic. You will always be unliked by people. And that's not a you problem. That's not a you problem. That's a them problem. They don't like you because there's something about you that they probably wish they had.
So stop making it about you because it's not, it really never is about you. It's not that deep. So that's how you deal with rejection on social media.
Did you feel a little insane going through a spiritual awakening and what happened if you did? I don't know. Really good question. With this question, I'm really sitting with what is sanity? Anyways, like what is Sanity, like we're all crazy. We're all insane Did I go through phases where I felt like [00:32:00] not trusting of my spiritual awakening or not?
Trusting of my journey and whatever it was. I was going through. Yeah, absolutely There were moments and times In which I fell out of trust, fell out of faith, excuse me, beer burps I fell out of touch with reality, but I always knew that I can bring myself back into it. I always understood that there was a lesson, there was something to uncover.
And I didn't go through one spiritual awakening. There were many awakening moments in my life. And most of the awakening moments in my life were triggered by really tough things that were tough and hard to let go of. A lot of my spiritual awakening moments, it would, it came from me resisting the things that I knew I had to let go of resisting.
And because of that, [00:33:00] because I was resisting, it did drive me a little crazy. It did drive me a little insane, meaning that my mind was a little chatty, my anxiety was a little louder. But the minute I softened, and I let go, and I surrendered, and I released that expectation of outcome, everything felt clear.
Everything felt okay. A lot of times, I was the catalyst of my insanity. It was me. It was never the universe's fault. It was never any of that. It was my resistance that drove me to insanity. So yeah. And this happened multiple times. It'll probably happen again. Hopefully not as intense as those other awakening moments were.
I'd like to think that I have a bit more awareness now of things that are happening, but It does get easier the less you resist, the easier it is. Trust that [00:34:00] there is a universal plan and that there is something so big beyond the realm of your understanding that is waiting for you, that is ready for you.
And that you can achieve it. It is possible. Divine connection, spiritual awakening. It's not about your connection to God or source or seeing God or seeing Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or whatever you believe in. It's not about that. Spiritual awakening is About a deep relationship with yourself and how that deep relationship with yourself echoes in the reality that you see on a day to day basis.
That's all that spirituality is. It's about your connection to you and how connected you are to you [00:35:00] and how aware you are to you and what that relationship and how that relationship reverberates into like everything, into all experiences. It's about being open to experience, about looking at the data, looking at the information, looking at what's being told to you and how you align with that, dot, so forth so on.
So that's how I dealt with sanity and spiritual awakening. I hope that makes sense and that you vibe with that, but yeah.
Another wonderful question here. What's your best advice to breaking away from cycles and patterns that have been holding you back? Oh my god, you want to know the best advice? This advice is gonna change your life. My best advice to breaking away from cycles and patterns that have been holding you back is quite simple.
You break away from patterns and cycles that have been holding you back. You just stop, you stop those cycles, you break away from them and you [00:36:00] replace them with different cycles and different patterns that are reinforced through time and intention and awareness and effort. That's all you do. You have an awareness of the cycles and the patterns, then you are way ahead of the game than you think.
The awareness of that, the awareness of being in those cycles. Chef's kiss, you break away, you stop. You stop. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? This is going to become a sketch one day. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you really sick and tired of being sick and tired? Why don't you try...
Stop! Just stop. Just stop. This notion. This notion that you are at the beck and call of these cycles, and that these cycles are just, are controlling you. It's an illusion. You are way more powerful than all of this. [00:37:00] Nobody is holding you at gunpoint here.
Nobody, nothing is holding you at that. And going, keep going. Keep going with the cycle. You better keep going with the cycle. You better fucking Nobody is intimidating you. Nobody is beating you to submission to continue perpetuating these cycles and patterns. You're not like It's not the end of the world here.
Your will is the most powerful tool. Nobody is holding you hostage here but yourself. But how do I change it? You change it. You try something else. But here's the thing, so many of us want that part to be easy. So many of us, it's what's the secret? Okay, then what's the answer?
The answer is simple, but the work is not going to be that simple. It takes effort. It takes effort. It takes consistency. Consistent action. Consistent compassion. Consistent effort. Consistent [00:38:00] awareness. You have to want it, and you have to really want it. So many of us want it, but we just want that process to be easy.
So many of us want us to break, so many of us want to break away from the cycles and the patterns, but we just want it, want to like close our eyes, blink them, and open them, and boom. We have broken away from the cycles and the patterns. But, you gotta replace it with something else. You got to replace it with something healthier and trust and believe this replacement Whatever you replace this cycle with this pattern with it's gonna feel a little alien at first.
It's gonna feel strange It's gonna feel so weird It's not gonna feel at home and we're talking about breaking away from cycles and patterns These cycles and patterns have been read have been reinforced for decades at this point So the work the effort that it takes for us to undo It's going to take a little bit of effort, but trust and believe it's not going to take as much effort and action.
It's not [00:39:00] impossible. It is so possible. There's a comment here that says, I'm sighing a lot. I don't know why. It's because you are feeling a lot. You're sighing because you're trying to regulate your nervous system in some sort of way. You're sighing because your body is telling you, Fuck this noise.
Fuck this noise. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. Fuck it. No. To the point where it has to, your body is screaming at you. You're not in alignment. You're not in alignment. In some way, shape, or form, you're just not in alignment. So your body is going to tell you in some way, shape, or form. What would you be more aligned with?
What is your body telling you? What is your intuition telling you? That's why you're sighing so much. Nervous system regulation. The energy has to go somewhere. Oh, I love it that you're here too, Edwin.
You just stop. That's how you break that cycle. You are powerful. We do this exercise quite [00:40:00] often close your hand into a fist, now tell your fist to open open fist, I want you to open right now fist open, why is it not opening? Because you're more powerful, your will is more powerful, that, that energy that is keeping your fist closed, even though you're telling it to open, that energy, That is your will.
That is your divine will. You can lead yourself wherever you want to go. 5 5 5 in the house. Woo! We love that. Time for change. Change your mind. Change your reality. Change your thoughts. Change your reality. Change your patterns. Change your cycles. Change your reality. How much do you want it? How much do you want it?
A lot of us want it, but I don't know if we want it that much. A lot of us just want it to be easy.
We got this. I believe in you.
Another wonderful question here.
Wonderful question here. Talking about [00:41:00] cars and freedom, I can't use my car right now because of the payments. They're too much. How do I invite abundance back in when my quote unquote reality is that I can't afford the payments? This is such a fun, fun exploration. I think the most easiest way to invite abundance in Is to get grateful about all that you do have.
You have so much. Is to look for the abundance that is around you, right here, right now. You still have a roof above your head. You still can eat every single day. You still have people who care for you, people who love you friends, all those fun things. Abundance is here. Abundance is now.
Abundance is not this super far Reaching destination. Abundance is not some place to destinate to. Abundance is in this present moment. So how can you practice gratitude more? [00:42:00] Thinking even the trees, thinking the grass, thinking the roads, thinking the stoplights, the technology that you have in your hand, on demand A lot of things that we have access to, that we take for granted, we never had to like, lift a finger to build a road.
So many of us never had to lift a finger to build a road. Yet we're the first person to criticize it when there's a pothole. Yet we're the first person to criticize it when it's like shut down, one of the lanes are shut down. You didn't have to build it, yet it transports you from point A to point B smoothly, sometimes not so smoothly.
You don't have to think about these devices that helps you connect to literally, we have the biggest library in our hand, in our pockets. We have the access to so much information right in the palm of our hands, access to solutions, access to exploring other ways of creating abundance.
[00:43:00] So if you get real good at practicing gratitude for all that you already do have, and really looking at what's in front of you, guess what will happen eventually? You'll get that impulse. You'll get that idea to create more abundance. You'll get some impulse in the middle of the night, like Google X, Y, Z, Google underwater basket weaving, and in you Googling underwater basket weaving, it opens up this whole realm of creativity.
Maybe you take up underwater basket weaving and. open up a business and create more income and you really start loving underwater basket weaving and you would have never guessed that underwater basket weaving would have changed your entire life and now you created another stream of income which will then help you pay for that car and help you do this but that impulse will only come to you and you really appreciating all of the beautiful manifested miracles that are literally right in front of your [00:44:00] face A lot of us are looking for miracles as if it's something that comes from outside of you.
As if it's something that is only granted to the lucky ones. But you're so lucky. You are so lucky. So lucky to be born in this timeline. Could you imagine if we were born a couple centuries ago? Could you imagine if we were born maybe a thousand years ago? Life would have looked very different.
Really appreciate the fact that we're living in this reality where, honestly, we're the most comfortable as a human civilization as any other time in history. The most comfortable. The most. And so many of us are still looking for things to complain about. Complaining about this, complaining about that.
Stop complaining, start appreciating. Stop complaining, start appreciating, and trust and believe. Trust and believe. [00:45:00] Look for the miracles that are ready right here, right now. So much is actually working for you. And the next impulse will come to you. The next impulses will absolutely come to you. And it'll be less just because you don't have necessarily the car to get you to point A to point B, doesn't mean that you don't have the freedom.
You don't have the freedom. You can still walk. You can still move your feet. You can still hop on a Greyhound bus, you may not necessarily afford the gas, but you can still hop on a bus, pay a fraction of the price on gas and all sorts of things. And boom, it gets you to point A to point B because maybe hop on a train there.
There are ways to work around this so that you are also embodying that freedom while also attracting the funds to be able to pay for your car. All that fun stuff. So that's what I have for you, dear. Freedom [00:46:00] is now, abundance is now, the miracles are happening here and now. All you got to do is trust it.
All you got to do is trust it.
All righty, time for another question. Random, but would love your take on this. I'm currently in a new relationship with someone with zero red flags. Woohoo! Big change for me. Woohoo! I live, I laugh, I love. And I feel like my subconscious is making the assumption this person is boring, for lack of a better word.
How do I allow myself to accept this safe kind of love? Wow. I couldn't have asked for a better question and boy, oh boy, you got somebody who's qualified to answer this. Here's the thing. So many of us are used to chaos. Are so used to chaos. Chaotic relationships with partners, chaotic [00:47:00] families, chaotic...
Everything. So the mind is quite primed to create chaos as well and also to look for chaos because that's just what the mind knows. That's just what you think you know. And now you get this beautiful opportunity to explore a relationship with zero red flags. To explore a relationship that feels safe.
That feels secure. So quite naturally your mind is going to go that's boring. So many of us confuse boredom for peace and peace for boredom. What if you weren't bored? What if what you were actually experiencing was peace? Peace of mind, peace of body, peace of spirit, peace of emotions, all peace, across the board.
And if we're not necessarily accustomed to experiencing peace, your mind is going to want to fill in the blanks. Your [00:48:00] mind is going to want to define it in some way, shape, or form. And your mind right now is, your subconscious mind is defining it as boredom, when in fact it's just peace. This is what peace feels like.
Don't sabotage yourself, don't sabotage this relationship, like it's okay to feel safe, it's okay to feel at ease, it's okay for there not to be external stimulation, it doesn't have to be super stimulating all the time. It can just be tranquil. You can just co exist with somebody and it's just be good.
What a fucking gift. You don't have to create chaos out of it. Try your best not to. Really try your best not to. So how do you allow yourself to accept this kind of relationship, this kind of love? You just accept it. You accept it. You give yourself permission to [00:49:00] accept it. And the minute that voice comes up that tries to analyze and contextualize the relationship that you're in, the minute that voice comes up, you go, No, I'm deserving of love.
I am deserving of security. I am deserving of safety. I am deserving of this. Because you are. You are. You do not need a chaotic relationship. It doesn't have to be like that. It doesn't have to be like that. How can I be my best self in a relationship that feels so challenging? You be your best self. You be your best self.
You can. You can absolutely be your best self. No matter what. And if the relationship is super challenging... If it feels super, super challenging, then you can really ask yourself, like, how can I grow here? How can we grow and and invite your partner in on that conversation. I'd like to grow with you.
I want to know what that looks like [00:50:00] in your point of view, in your perspective. Because I feel like we can be this, but I need your help here. We gotta do this together. You invite that person in, okay? A lot of us do all this self growth, self help stuff, and we grow, and we never invite our partner in on that conversation.
We never do. We grow into this, what we think is a new version of self, but we never include that person. We just expect that person to, shape shift around us as well, to just accept our new version of self. Or, we completely delete that person out of that growth process, and then we go, oh you're not growing, so goodbye.
And then we leave that person because we've outgrown that person dot. Invite, invite your partner in on your growth. Give them the opportunity to grow with you. Reintroduce yourself. Let them know what you're [00:51:00] wanting to embody in the relationship. Let them know what you're looking for in the relationship.
Let them know. Hello, nice to meet you. This is where I'm at right now. And this is what I'm growing into right now. And guess what? You're gonna grow into different versions of you over and over and over and over again. But it's one thing to love somebody, and it's another thing to like them. Love and like that person too. Love and like what they're growing into as well. Both things. Yeah. They're gonna continue to grow. It's never gonna stop. Love is a choice. Love is a choice. Love is choosing that person day in and day out. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Love is an investment of energy, of time, of care. It's a commitment. Love is not just poof! Oh, I don't feel it in the same way anymore. So goodbye. No. You still got to choose it. In the moments when it doesn't feel the same way anymore, you got [00:52:00] to pause and be like, OK, cool, what's changing here?
What's shifting here? What am I not seeing here? And you get to choose that love again and again and again and again and again and again. That's why that's how marriages last so long. That's how commitments last so long. It's because they choose them. They choose each other and themselves consistently.
It's going to be weird. It's going to get weird. That's fun. That's why we do this. How great to have somebody, to be in partnership with somebody, and to have that point of reference of wow, we've grown together and separately in all these ways. Do you remember who I was when I was that? Do you remember who I was when I was that version of myself?
What? And now you have somebody there who was with you, who can be like, oh my god, I remember when we were like this. How fucking cool. And now we're this. Oh, my God, it's exciting. Do you remember this one time where when it was like also not the vibe where I really love you, but it was so hard to like [00:53:00] you.
It was so hard to like you in that moment. But I still really love you and I still really choose you because I know you. I know you at a root level and a really root level and like you can still love someone and not like them necessarily you can not like what they're what they are in the moment, but that does that shouldn't shift your love for them.
That shouldn't shift your love for them it shouldn't shift your empathy for them. Sometimes people are going through rough patches so let them go through that rough patch let them show up as not their best self without you going, I only love you and I only love you as your best self. And if you're not your best self, I don't love you.
I don't love you anymore. I only love you as your best self. What the fuck? That's unrealistic.
You want somebody that's gonna love you as your best self and as your not so best self. And it's okay for them to like, not like your not best self, but they should still love you even as that. That is love. That is love. True love. [00:54:00] I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss.
So that's what I have for you. Do me a favor friends. If you haven't done so just go through the questions and double tap and like any questions that you're resonating with. I would really appreciate you. Do another wonderful question here. We live, we laugh, we love what's next in the color.
We crazy world. Oh, color. We crazy baby. Ooh, we love it. So talk about new moon energy. And what I'm inviting in. What's next in the Color We Crazy Wars? First and foremost, is gonna be I'm creating a tarot deck, right now. I'm creating my own tarot deck. I didn't really want to talk about it prematurely, but I think by me talking about it on the new moon, I will be inviting it in.
Yeah, I'm creating my own tarot deck. I'm so far, I've so far created 20 cards. Which has been fun. It's gonna be an oracle deck, but like inspired by [00:55:00] regular tarot. I've taken basically all of the regular tarot cards and reinvented them.
Basically how I interpret the regular cards, but definitely way more symbolism and fun graphics I'm really excited so excited 20 out of 78 cards right now. So got a way to go every day I'm trying to tackle like 10 of them. So I have spurts in which I get a bunch done. So there's that I'm making my own tarot deck and another thing.
I definitely to get a course going. So I get asked a lot of times, like, how do I create my content? Like your content looks so good. Like, how do you create it? How do you do the social media thing? Like I want to use social media, but I don't know how to use it.
I want to create a, conscious content creator course, which goes down through how I create contact content technically, but also [00:56:00] how to create content consciously as well. So I'm going to create a little course. That's going to break that down, which will be really fun. Just, I have the modules and everything planned out.
I literally just have to sit in front of. a camera and just record it but lately recording hasn't really been pulling me. I haven't really, I love doing the lives and every once in a while I'll create a video, but I haven't really been wanting to put a camera in front of my face right now, which is great.
It ebbs and flows and I've created. Around which like I can do that I can literally step back and be like, I don't feel like creating a video today I just want to sit on live and talk to people so there's that and last but not least last but not least I am Daydreaming. There's no plan set in stone yet.
I'm daydreaming about Color We Crazy Live, [00:57:00] where it'll, I'll have a live show definitely here in in Phoenix, Arizona. I have a live show here where it might be like a chat heal and chill, but live where we'll bring people up, put them on the hot seat, have a conversation and maybe take questions from Instagram live.
But my partner had an idea about taking this concept and going live. And touring, because there's so many people across the country, and I want to see more of this country, I want to see more of the world, so why not just as we're bopping around and seeing more parks and seeing more nature, why not stop at major cities where there's a bunch of people and do a live show?
I'll guide a meditation, I'll sing, maybe do a little sound healing, we'll have a conversation, there'll be snacks and, hors d'oeuvres choose your chill, whatever, [00:58:00] and Yeah, start going out into the world. I wanna, I feel like that's maybe why I haven't been creating videos in the way that I used to because so much of me creating videos initially was to get into the color me crazy.
So I was really in the color me crazy. But since that, and really getting to know myself through content creation, it's it's expanded to color. We crazy. It's about all of us. It's about the collective vision. It's about all of us coming together and getting together. And I feel like that's.
Probably where I haven't really been creating content in that way because it was a lot of attention on me and now I want to get the attention on all of us getting together, healing together, all the wonderful things and there, there's been iterations of that this year, we got soul school, which has been great.
So SoulSchool, we meet every week and just heal, [00:59:00] chat together. It's like group coaching every single week and we're also learning things. And that's a way of stepping into Color We Crazy, which is like the 2. 0 version. So there's been iterations of the color we. Crazy part, but I think I can go deeper.
I think I can go further. I know I can go further Which is gonna be weird It's gonna be so so so weird, but I'm definitely Inviting it in although it feels oh my god Uncomfortable the idea of it feels uncomfortable Because it feels like that in my body. I know it's what I'm supposed to be doing I know I'm going to see so much growth from it by me actually just getting away from this rectangle.
This rectangle that I'm so comfortable in front of. Confirmation cough. And start stepping out into into the world. Start meeting people and... Connecting and healing and [01:00:00] all the things. So that's the next step in the Color We Crazy words. And I'm really excited to step into it. So excited. Color We Crazy, baby!
Y'all got the exclusive, the scoopy doop. The scoopy doop, the scoopy doopy doop.
Confirmation. Yeah, indeed, Roxanne. Confirmation. Alrighty we have another question here. A life so private. I like a guy. Maybe my energy is projecting a lot towards him energetically. I don't want to chase. Also, how do I attract? I feel if I let go, they won't come back. Alright friend, here's something for you, and I appreciate you for coming to the spaces and asking all these wonderful questions, but so often these questions that I hear from you has been about other people.
How do I get other people to [01:01:00] do what I want? How do I get other people to respond the way that I want them to respond? How do I act in a way which will then manipulate a situation so that I can then get the result, and that is not how we, that is not the best way to go about any of this. What is, what about you in this situation?
And so much of this question is a lot. So much of this question, I say so much of this with love, and it's not like to go after you in any sort of way, but so much of this question is about how can I get this person to fill something that I lack? How can I get this person to fill something that is lacking inside of me?
To fill that void inside of me? That is not it. You're never gonna get that from another person. And trust and believe, even if that person were to offer it, it's never gonna be enough. [01:02:00] Only you can fill this void. Only you can fill this piece that is missing. You like another person that is wonderful, but I need them.
I need them. I need them. I need them to be like this I need them to show up like this and if they don't need they don't show up like this then I'm not lovable I'm not enough. I'm not a what am I doing wrong? You're it's not about that
Ultimately, what is necessary for you here is to get so grounded in the love of self To really feel and embody the love of self. To really show how much of a ride or die person you are for you. And then let that other person catch a glimpse of it and go, Oh my god, what, who are you? Hello! That is how you attract.
That is how you attract. It's not by you going, Oh my God if I act this way, then I will attract him. And if I attract [01:03:00] this way, then maybe I'll attract him. And if I act this way, then I'll attract him. You're never gonna get it if you do that. Never ever gonna get it. The best way to attract something is not by attracting it at all.
That's the best way to attract something, is by not exerting all this energy of I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, I gotta attract, That's the best way to attract something. Is by not caring so much. The universe, the quantum field, the law of attraction, the creator, all of that.
She really recognizes needy. She knows when you really need something, when you're needy. When you're like, I need it. So much so that she goes, alright, too needy. You're not, I'm not going to give it to you. You're not going to attract it. If you're like, I need.
And sometimes the stuff that we need, or that we think we need, sometimes it's not, sometimes the things that we want aren't what we necessarily need. Just cuz you want it doesn't mean that you [01:04:00] need it. Just cuz you want it doesn't mean that you need it. How do you stop being so needy? Then, you stop. You stop.
Become your best friend, homie. You are so enough. You are so enough and more. You are the coolest person in the entire world. You are perfect. There's nothing else that you need that would, that could make you feel more perfect. Quite practically.
Take yourself out on dates. Take yourself out on long walks. Show yourself that it can be fun. Stop waiting for another person to show it to you. Cause that expectation of I'm not going to enjoy myself. I'm not going to have a good time until I find the right one. Until I find the right one until I find the one I'm not going to really love until I find that you stop waiting for another person to experience love.
It's not up to them. It's up to you. [01:05:00] It's up to you.
Nobody else is going to show you love, but you, and if they happen to show you love, it's an added bonus. It's bonus love. It's bonus points. It's Oh my God, how fucking great. But your wellbeing, your inner state of wellbeing is not reliant on another person showing you attention, showing you love, showing you this, showing you that.
It's reliant on how much attention you focus on you. Stop waiting for that person to pay attention to you. That's where you're not attracting him. It's because you're focusing all your energy on when will they notice me? When will they see me? When will they know I'm enough? When will they, that's all about them.
It's all about them. It's all about them. What about you? Do you know you're enough? Do you know that you're enough? Do you know that you're enough? Because I don't think you necessarily do. Then how do I know if I'm enough? How do I show myself I am enough? By giving yourself enough. Giving yourself enough.
[01:06:00] You, so many people offer fucking full on five course meals to people. To other people, just like here's everything here's the, I'm gonna do the splits the twirls, the everything, here's everything that I'm gonna do for you. And when it comes to yourself you feed yourself scraps. You feed yourself ramen, you feed yourself barely anything, but here's everything that I did for you you got everybody else sitting all pretty with their filet mignon, cooked perfectly to temperature, and this and that, but you're like eating the crumbs, stop feeding yourself crumbs, stop feeding yourself crumbs, you don't deserve the crumbs, you make your plate just as pretty as you would for another person, you set yourself up just as well as you would set somebody else up for success.
The same thing that you would do for your best friend, you do it for you. But so many of us are doing, going about it backwards. We do so much for other people because we expect it in return. We're waiting for it to be in return. [01:07:00] We're waiting for it to be reciprocated. And if you're going about it in that way, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment after disappointment, because guess what?
Other people are not reliable. They're just not. You cannot hold others to that expectation. They're just not
time and time again. They've shown you that they cannot and that's okay. It doesn't make them a bad person. It doesn't mean that they still don't show up consistently. People show up consistently still, but sometimes that consistently, that consistency teeters and that's okay. They have their own life, their own shit, their own things that they're going through.
It's okay if a person cannot show up consistently in that way for you in that one moment,
but release that expectation. Release all this doing doing for other people and expecting it to be reciprocated in return. If somebody reciprocates it in return, how fucking great. That's cool. That's awesome. That's great. That respect, that [01:08:00] reciprocation is wonderful. But a lot of that reciprocation, a lot of that reciprocation comes from that one moment when you finally stop treating yourself like a doormat.
That's when the reciprocation comes. When you start showing yourself your value and your worth, that reciprocation comes in a fucking heartbeat. But it will only turn up, it will only show up when you start valuing yourself. When you start reverberating that energy out into the universe and the universe goes, Oh, this person values himself, this person respects himself.
So let me give them more value. Let me give them more respect. Let me give them more reciprocation. Let me give them more consistently. Let me give them all the best people who will show up and reciprocate and all the things because that is what you're vibrating at. But if you're vibrating with scraps, if you're vibrating with insecurity and neediness and all of that.
Then you're going to attract people who cannot, who don't give you enough. [01:09:00] So you got to really pause and ask yourself, when is it gonna be enough? When is enough? And let me tell you right here, right now, in this moment, there is enough. You have enough. You have enough and so much more right here, right now.
Stop focusing on the lack of love, the lack of attention, the lack of validation, the lack of this, the this, the lack of it all. Stop focusing on the lack of it all and focus on the abundance of it all. There is so much working for you. So much.
Better start getting grateful. Better start getting grateful. And I say it so lovingly as well. Just really get grateful. The universe is giving you what you vibrate at. She doesn't give you what you want. She gives you your vibration. The universe gives you your frequency. And until you start practicing [01:10:00] another frequency, another vibration, then you're going to be getting the same.
The same story. The same cycle. The same narrative. Over and over and over and over again. And only you can change that story. Nobody else is going to change it for you. Nobody else is going to change it for you. Trust and believe.
Alrighty, that's what I have for you. Pretty nice.
Alright, we have time for one more question. One more question. But I think instead of asking a question, we should really answering a question, we should talk about this new moon. So we have a new moon today happening in Cancer. I saw a few questions about new moon energy and what are you attracting for new moon?
What are you inviting in for new moon? I think it's important to understand that with new moon energy, it's a really good opportunity to talk about what you're inviting in and with it being in cancer. And Cancer being the [01:11:00] sign of emotions, of divine feminine energy, the mother, the nurturer. This new moon in Cancer is really about what you're inviting in emotionally.
And I think if you really use this time, this new moon energy, to really invite self nurture. Self pleasure, self reliance, self resilience, self add self to all of these words. If you really use it to invite that self sufficiency, it will like, mwah, chef's kiss, will send you off. This new moon is about how we self soothe, and releasing self soothing patterns that go against us.
That don't really help us releasing those self soothing patterns and inviting self soothing patterns that feel more compassionate, [01:12:00] more nurturing, more loving, more inviting, more just warm. So really use this time to think of how you self soothe and how you can shift how you self soothe in a way that feels like you have the mom you wish you always had.
A lot of us we place blame on In this realm, in this department on our caregivers, but our caregivers are just one part of the conversation as far as parenting goes just because they're done parenting us because we've flocked, fled the nest and we're no longer at home doesn't mean that parenting book has closed.
And you don't need children to bear children in order to, explore parenting. Parenting continues. You still have a voice and the authority inside of you to mother, to father, [01:13:00] to care give yourself. Stop waiting for a hero to come in to save you. Mama's not gonna save you. Papa's not gonna save you.
Granny's not gonna save you. None of that is gonna save you. Only you can save you. Only you can guide you. Only you can take yourself there. So use this time to really explore that. Explore that self parenting voice. What does it sound like? What does it look like? How can you shift it to a voice that sounds more compassionate?
Become your best friend. Become your best mom, your best dad, your best everything. If you were to have your dream caregiver, what would they look like? What would they feel like? What, how would they talk? How would they talk to you? And start talking to yourself in that way. That's what this new Moon and Cancer is all about.
Aw, thank you, Joshy, for your kind comment. I love that you exist and are speaking to the people your presence is so needed in this world. Gracias. Thank you I love getting [01:14:00] I love that I get to show up. I love that I get to show up I love that I get to be here with y'all and I appreciate you trust and believe that Extending that handout to you is the biggest the best gift you can give yourself if you really finesse that relationship with self In a way that feels so soothing and so self-sufficient, all these external forms that we desire will just naturally fall into its place.
You will attract the partner, you will attract the community, you will attract all the beautiful things, but it really begins. It really begins with you extending that handout to yourself. It's the best gift. The best gift you can give to yourself. You are worth it indeed, Joshie. You are worth it.
Why not? Why not?
Happy birthday, friend. Also, happy birthday. We have a [01:15:00] birthday in the house. Happy birthday. Lots of love to you. Let's take this time, this moment, to say goodbye to each other and wish each other well. I saw a comment here about, where's the other Abraham Hicks videos? I'm not an Abraham Hicks clown. Every once in a while I feel like turning it on and doing an Abraham Hicks video.
But the inspiration flows whenever it flows. And yeah. I'm much more than just Abraham Hicks. I'm way more multidimensional. They come through, they happen, and be on the lookout. When it happens. And when it doesn't. There's a lot of good that I share in the world that aren't just Abraham Hicks videos.
That's where those are at. I love you. Happy birthday. All the wonderful things and say goodbye to each other. Wish each other well and see you soon.
Funny thing, that book is sitting on my dresser. Good read, brings to mind a magical reason right in our midst. How did y’all enjoy it?
What book will be for Jan
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